Bowling is Fun

Welcome to the Lucky Lanes Junior Bowling
Welcome to Lucky Lanes Junior Bowling. Here you will find information about our bowling leagues, upcoming tournaments and events, information about our coaches and much more.
Lucky Lanes Junior Bowling League Bylaws
All youth leagues bowling in Lucky Lanes Junior Bowlers organization shall be governed by USBC rules and the following bylaws:
Membership shall be open to all boys and girls to the age of 18 as of August 1st of the current bowling season. Each bowler will pay a $12.00 registration fee.
League shall be under the supervision of an adult league official that shall operate leagues with the cooperation of the bowling establishment management, committee, and the coaching staff.
Each member shall pay $12.00 at each league session. Bantams and Bumper Buddies will pay $9.00. All bowlers will pay the full amount each week whether they bowl 3 games, 2 games, or 1 game. Any bowler who is absent will pay $2.00 for each week absent upon their return to bowling. This $2.00 fee will be placed in the league treasury to be used for the banquet and prizes.
Each team shall elect a team captain who shall be responsible for the collection of money and the remittance to the treasurer. The captain (or teammate if the captain is absent) shall also make sure the scores are tallied and shall sign the opposing team’s score sheet to verify accuracy of scores and turn it in to a league official.​
League awards list shall be adopted by league officials in the first five weeks of the season. League shall supply all trophies. To be eligible for any league awards, a bowler must bowl a minimum of 2/3 of the scheduled games. Most improved average shall be determined by a bowler whose average has increased the most pins after their first 12 games and to the end of the season. League awards shall be awarded on scratch and handicap basis, with scratch scores taking precedence over handicap. Members may receive only one award in any category except for high average and most improved average, where all members are eligible. In the event of a tie, duplicate trophies will be awarded.
All averages will be established on the first day of bowling. Handicap will be determined from the first week. A 4-point system will be used. Ties count as 1/2 win and 1/2 loss. Wins and losses will not be calculated the first week of the season. No points will be awarded the first week.
Each league will register up to a 5-person team maximum. A legal line-up is 2 or more members present for 4-person teams, and 3 or more members for 5-person teams. If a team is formed that has less than the number of members, a committee will determine if the team can function as a team with the use of vacant scores. The committee has the right to add individuals to teams for the purpose of increasing the roster to make it a full team.
An absent score is used when a bowler has an established average on a team and is not present. His/Her average as of that day will be used. This can only be used for three weeks. The parents/guardians of any bowler absent for three consecutive weeks will be notified and informed that possible disqualification of prizes may result of these or future absences. A bowler may return to league play after an absence of three weeks or more and will use their last established average.
Vacancy scores are: Seniors 140, Lucky Strikers 120, Sunshine 100, Bantams 80, all plus handicap. A team may not have more than 2 vacancy scores, and a vacancy score will count as a present team member.
Teams bowling a bye must bowl within 10 pins per bowler of their team average or higher to win points. See USBC rule 104d.1
The computerized score keeping system at Lucky Lanes will be used to store all scores. In the event of a discrepancy, the scores in the computer will prevail.
Only league officials or designated lane monitors may change scores in the computers. Changing computer information is prohibited.
When a bowler cannot make their regularly scheduled time to bowl, he or she may bowl during the 3:00 pm session. Bowlers from the 10am shift may also make up at 1pm and bowlers from the 1pm shift may make up at 10am if space is available. His/her scores count towards team scores. This makeup session is to be used for emergency purposes only. Bowlers may make up a maximum of 5 times during the season. Bowlers making up must sign in on a Make-Up Sign-in sheet.​
Any bowler not ready to bowl in turn will receive a zero (after the first warning) for that frame.
Tardiness: If a player arrives before the completion of the 3rd frame, the player will be allowed to make up the frames missed. Notification must be made to a league official before the start of the 4th frame. If a player arrives after the 3rd frame has been completed, the player may bowl from that frame and shall receive a zero for frames missed. Any violation of this rule will result in disqualification of USBC high score awards.
Bowlers may not “Bowl out” for any reason.
Foul lines shall be used. If a player touches or goes past the foul line, a zero will be recorded for that ball (regardless of the alarm sounding).
Vaping/use of tobacco and consuming alcoholic beverages by our youth bowlers, coaches, and/or spectators is strictly PROHIBITED. See USBC rule 17d.
Please have cell phones on vibrate or silent while bowling!!! Headphone/earbud use is prohibited during league play. Bowlers that fail to abide by this rule will receive zeros for each frame until they conform.
Proper attire must always be worn. This includes, but is not limited to, no sleeveless or low-cut shirts, and no shirts with inappropriate language, slogans, or dual meanings. Hats/hoods are not allowed during league play or tournaments. Pant legs should not drag on the floor. Exposed undergarments of any type are unacceptable. All bowlers must wear bowling shoes. Bowlers dressed inappropriately will not be allowed to bowl until appropriately dressed as deemed by a league official and will receive a zero for each frame the team has bowled.
Unsportsmanlike conduct, fighting, use of foul language, and horseplay will NOT be tolerated. Public displays of affection are strictly prohibited. See USBC rule 17d.
Any league official may suspend a player for a violation of any USBC or league rule for up to a three-week period.
If a coach dismisses a bowler because of behavior problems, he or she shall receive only the score that has been bowled thus far. Coaches will initial tally sheets for any violations of rules.
Each team will be responsible for the cleaning of the bowling area, tables and the area around the lanes.
Remember the golden rule: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you
​Violation of rules will result in the following action: 1) the first violation will be a warning with parent notification. 2) The second violation will result in a one-week suspension. 3) If a third violation occurs, you will be asked not to return for the season.