Bowling is Fun

Welcome to the Lucky Lanes Junior Bowling
Welcome to Lucky Lanes Junior Bowling. Here you will find information about our bowling leagues, upcoming tournaments and events, information about our coaches and much more.
League Objectives
Our goals for each bowler, by league level, are stated below. Obviously, bowlers that start out at an older age may not reach all of the goals by the time they are ready to advance to the next league.
Bowlers will advance to the next league level regardless of achieving the goals.
Bumper Buddies
Learn how to roll the ball
Learn to stay behind the foul line
Learn the corner pins numbers
Improve from last year
Bantam League Bowlers
Learn to keep the ball on the lane
Strive to knock down pins on each ball
Learn the pin numbers
Improve from last year
Sunshine League Bowlers
Develop a 4-step delivery (approach)
Work on timing
Learn how to properly release the ball
Learn how to keep score
Improve from last year
Lucky Strikers League Bowlers
Learn proper spare shooting
Advance to finger-tip grips
Develop a proper release
Learn how to calculate averages and handicaps
Improve from last year
Senior League Bowlers
Learn how to read the lanes
Learn about various bowling balls
Learn how the ball rolls and transitions down the lane
Learn how leagues and associations are run
Become a you volunteer for your league, program, and/or association
Become a youth coach
Improve from last year