Bowling is Fun

Welcome to the Lucky Lanes Junior Bowling
Welcome to Lucky Lanes Junior Bowling. Here you will find information about our bowling leagues, upcoming tournaments and events, information about our coaches and much more.
The 2024 NYS Bowling Proprietor's Scholarship Tournament
Get in on the fun of the competition in the NYS Scholarship Tournament
The NYS Scholarship Tournament is sponsored by the NYS Bowling Proprietor's Association. You have an opportunity to earn money towards college by competing in this tournament. Divisions are based on your grade level in school. This is a handicap tournament. Bowlers must register for this tournament to qualify during league play.
League qualifiers are on Jan. 6, 2024
You must sign up and pay $3 prior to this date to be entered
Seniors, Lucky Strikers, and Sunshine bowl their 3 games during league play. Handicap is added to your score and your series total with handicap is ranked from highest scores based on grade level only. Girls and boys have separate divisions.
Bantams will use a 3 game total as well, therefore, your 2nd game from Dec. 30, 2023 will be added to your 2-game total on Jan. 6, 2024. Handicap will be added and scores will be ranked from highest by grade level. Girls and boys have separate divisions.
RE-ENTRY WEEK is Jan. 13, 2024
Bowlers currently entered can pay a $3 re-entry fee and their scores from this day will be entered. All scores will be re-ranked.
Bantams that re-enter will bowl 2 games on Jan. 13, 2024. To make a 3-game total , we will add your first game from Jan. 20, 2024 and then scores for those divisions will be re-ranked.